Job Description:
Split Season (late March-June and late August-October) or
Full Season (late March-October) Farm Crew Member
Important Skills for this position:
- Interest in organic farming practices
- Farming experience is a plus but not necessary for the right person
- Work in all weather
- Enjoy working
- Work Quickly and efficiently
- Desire to learn to work more quickly and efficiently.
- Good communications skills including good listening skills.
- Communicates with other crewmembers what needs to be done.
- Enjoys working with others
- Common Sense
- Detail Oriented
- Cleans up their workspace when the task is completed.
- Arrives to work 10 minutes early.
- Take pride in their work
- Take direction well
- Capable of doing tedious and sometimes strenuous task for several hours at a
- time.
- Ability to lift 50 lbs.
- The desire to learn will lead to other farming opportunities.
- Sense of humor and a positive attitude.
You will be working with a crew of 4-5 workers and volunteers and directly
with the head farmer. Compensation starts at $10.00-12.00/hr. All employees
get a 20% discount on all items we sell and vegetable we grow are free if they
are in good supply and you pick it on your own time. Depending on experience,
employees that perform well will be rewarded in the first couple months. All
new employees will come to the farm on a two-week trial basis. Good workers
will find themselves in good company.
Interested applicants should contact Steve Chiarizio at with resume and references.