Sell More with Better Displays, Part 4: Make it Easy to Buy

Myrna Greenfield
Good Egg Marketing



In this series of six blog posts, Myrna Greenfield discusses six strategies to Sell More with Better Displays.

Part 4: Make it Easy to Buy

Produce sampling at Volante Farms in Needham, Mass. (Photo by Myrna Greenfield.)

Make products easy to see, grab and go. Minimize barriers. Use as little packaging as possible. Local and specialty foods customers want to see products up close, touch and smell them. A glass door, a lid, even plastic curtains can discourage sales. If possible, use open refrigeration coolers that don’t require doors or curtains.
Display products at an angle. Tip boxes or build displays at an angle to make products easy to see and pick up.
Mix it up. Place packaged products around the rim of your bulk displays to look attractive and tempt customers who don’t have time to bag their own. Create both small and larger packages to accommodate households of different sizes.
Sampling sells! Sampling increases sales of specific items and helps build customer loyalty. Showcase new or unusual products, or the first harvest, not your best-selling items.  Active sampling moves more product, but isn’t always feasible. Passive sampling sells, too. Slice up an unusual type of fruit or vegetable and place them on a plate with some toothpicks (and napkins, if necessary), next to a sign describing the item.

Myrna Greenfield and her company, Good Egg Marketing, specialize in marketing for good food and good causes.