In this series of six blog posts, Myrna Greenfield discusses six strategies to Sell More with Better Displays.
Part 2: Make it Abundant
This tiered stand with false back allows several layers of leeks to be displayed at once, while using a minimal amount of product. But be sure to keep such displays fully-stocked, so the false back doesn’t show! (Photo by Betty Mackenzie.)
• Abundance attracts! Full displays make people want to buy. ““Keep your shelves fully stocked,” says Betty Mackenzie, former co-director of Red Tomato and former Marketing Director at Harvest Co-op Markets. “Even 80-90 percent full isn’t good enough! When there are gaps, customers start noticing bare shelves and fixtures.”
• Use dummy boxes and tiered-displays to create abundance without volume. Place dummy boxes at the back of displays, so you don’t have to put out more product than you need to. Use dummy boxes to elevate products to eye level. Build tiered-shelves or stack boxes, so multiple rows or facings can be exposed. Dummy boxes can be removed when you need to put out more product on holidays, busy weekends, etc.
• Manage your stock. If you sell out of corn and can’t pick more until tomorrow, consolidate what you’ve got and place another item on the empty shelves until you can replenish the display. Move whatever products you have to the front of your displays. (Use dummy boxes to fill empty space if necessary.)
Myrna Greenfield and her company, Good Egg Marketing, specialize in marketing for good food and good causes.